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Double door refrigerators buying guide

Whenever you decide to buy a double-door refrigerator, you have only made the first of many decisions that need to be made.

Double door refrigerators are available in a large range of price points and a wide variety of models with varying feature lists. All of this can get overwhelming.

In order to help you go through the process smoothly, we have created this buying guide to help you understand all the factors that you need to consider before you place your order for a double-door fridge. Here is everything you need to know about double-door refrigerators.

Top Brands: Brands that You must keep in mind before buying!

These days, double-door refrigerators are advanced machines packed with a ton of features and come at premium price points. Therefore, you need to make sure that the brand you go for is a trustworthy one with a good reputation.

Even though the purchase is a one-time activity, support and repair services will be required throughout the life of the refrigerator. Therefore, you must ensure that the brand you choose provides customer support services in your city or town. Here are the top brands that provide good double-door refrigerators in India:

  • LG
  • Haier
  • Samsung
  • Whirlpool
  • Godrej
  • Bosch
factors to choosing top refrigerators brands

Size: Do double-door refrigerators’ Size Matter?

Double-door refrigerators are available in a wide range of sizes. The storage volume generally ranges from 250 liters to 350 liters. A double-door refrigerator is suitable for a family of 3 to 5 people.

However, if you need to store a lot of frozen food and the single-door refrigerator’s small freezer is not enough, a double-door refrigerator is what you may need. 

Size Do double-door refrigerators' Size Matter

Type: What type should buy?

There are primarily two types of double-door refrigerators by design: the bottom-mounted double-door refrigerators and the top-mounted ones. The top-mounted double-door refrigerators are the most common ones that you may be familiar with. They have a freezer cabinet at the top behind a small door and a regular refrigerator cabinet at the bottom behind a large door.

Bottom-mounted refrigerators are those that have the freezer cabinet at the bottom instead of the top. This means that the freezer section, which is usually the least opened, is the bottom, and the vegetable box, which is frequently accessed, is at a better height, which results in less bending on average and reduces the stress on your hips.

Type What type should buy

Types of Compressors

While most double-door refrigerators come with inverter compressors, some of them use regular compressors, too. Inverter compressors are the better alternative as they have higher energy efficiency and produce lower noise. They also provide better cooling. Therefore, you should always go for a double-door refrigerator with an inverter compressor.

Other features: Convertible, Stabilizer, Auto-connect, & Other Smart Features

Other features that you should look for in double-door refrigerators include the following:

  • Convertible Freezer: – A convertible freezer is one that allows you to convert your freezer compartment into a regular temperature zone. This gives great flexibility in terms of storage volume and allows you to store fresh food in the freezer section whenever you need to.
  • In-built stabilizer: – An in-built stabilizer is a must in double-door refrigerators as this would protect them from voltage fluctuations. Also, you will not need to purchase a stabilizer for your refrigerator separately.
  • Auto Connect to home inverter: – This feature is available in most of the latest refrigerators, and it allows the refrigerator to connect to your home inverter in case of power cuts. This prevents the food from going bad and can be really useful if you live in an area prone to power cuts.
  • Smart Features: – These days, double-door refrigerators come with a host of smart features, from mobile app control that allows you to control your refrigerator from anywhere in the world to Smart Diagnostics that allows the refrigerator to diagnose the problem it is facing and can even connect you to their customer support.
Other features Convertible, Stabilizer, Auto-connect, & Other Smart Features

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the weight of a double-door refrigerator? 

A double-door refrigerator weighs anywhere between 50 kg to 90 kg. When delivery is done by online marketplaces, they will deliver it to your home on any floor. However, in the future, you may need 2-3 people to move it around.

What is the width of a double-door refrigerator?

The most commonly available double-door refrigerators have a width ranging from 24 to 36 inches. You should measure the space you have in your kitchen for the fridge before you place your order.

Does the size of the double-door fridge affect its electricity consumption?

Yes, in general, the larger the storage space, the more energy is needed to cool the space. However, different models have different energy ratings, and the higher the rating, the lower the energy consumption. Also, double-door refrigerators are more energy efficient than regular single-door ones as they use inverter compressors that are more energy efficient.

Is online shopping safe for double-door refrigerators?

Yes. These days, the best prices are available online only. Not only are the rates lower than your neighborhood stores, but e-commerce websites also provide guaranteed installation service within 24 to 72 hours, depending upon the city you are in.
E-commerce marketplaces also allow you to return your refrigerator if you face any issues within the return period. This is usually never possible with a local shop that will promptly tell you to call the customer service of the brand.

How long does a motor last in a double-door fridge?

The compressor in double-door refrigerators consists of a motor and a pump. Generally, it is designed to last decades, and most double-door compressors come with a 10-year warranty from the brand. So, you can rest assured it will last a long time.

Do double-door refrigerators consume less energy than single-door refrigerators?

No. Although double-door refrigerators are more energy efficient than single-door refrigerators, double-door ones have a larger storage volume, and it takes more energy to cool a larger area. Also, they are frost-free, which consumes more energy.

Are double-door refrigerators free from CFC gases?

Earlier, CFCs were used as refrigerants in refrigerators. However, that is not the case nowadays. Predominantly, double-door refrigerators use the HFC-134a refrigerant. This does not deplete the Ozone layer.

Should I pick a double-door refrigerator that has LED lighting?

Yes, LED lighting is the most energy-efficient type of lighting that is currently available in double-door refrigerators. Most double-door refrigerators will come with LED lighting only.

Conclusion: Double door Refrigerators Buying Guide

On the whole double door refrigerators have evolved over the years to give you the best of the latest technology and convenience. From the latest smart technology to frost-free technology and multi-air-flow cooling, they offer the most convenience and value for money.

They are more energy efficient than single-door refrigerators and offer plenty of space, especially if you need to store more frozen food. On the other hand, they use less energy than side-by-side refrigerators, which are much larger and use much more electricity. This is why double-door refrigerators offer the best of worlds and are the perfect fit for most families.

We hope that we have shared all the necessary information for you to make an informed purchase.

Go ahead and place your order online for hassle-free delivery and complete peace of mind without having to drive around the local market!

Related: Single-door Refrigerators Buying Guide

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